圣安东尼奥学院 Vice Presidents Selected as Aspen Presidential Fellows


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The Aspen Institute 大学 Excellence Program (Aspen) has announced that Dr. 蒂芙尼埃尔南德斯, vice president for Student Success, and Dr. 斯特拉洛瓦托, vice president for 大学 Services and Nursing Education at 圣安东尼奥学院, are two of 35 leaders selected for the 2023-24 class of the Aspen Rising Presidents Fellowship. 这个程序, delivered in collaboration with the Stanford Educational 领导 Initiative, prepares the next generation of community college presidents to transform institutions to achieve higher and more equitable levels of student success.

洛瓦托.jpgMany sitting community college presidents plan to retire in the next decade, creating vacancies and an opportunity to diversify college leadership. Aspen Presidential Fellows represent the next generation of college leadership: this incoming class of Aspen Rising Presidents Fellows is 74 percent women, and 60 percent are people of color. The institutions they represent are also diverse, 分布在18个州, from small rural colleges to large urban campuses.

的家伙, selected through a competitive process, will work 关闭ly with highly accomplished community college presidents, 阿斯彭的领导, and Stanford University faculty over ten months to learn from field-leading research, define and assess student success at their colleges, and clarify their visions for excellent and equitable outcomes for students while in college and after they graduate.

dr-hernandez-web.jpg“Each cohort of the Rising Presidents Fellowship is different,乔希·怀纳说, executive director of the 大学 Excellence Program. “And what they all share is a passion to advance excellence and equity in student outcomes and the commitment to ensure that the colleges they lead continuously improve.”

“SAC is honored to have not one but two college executive team members to be chosen for this highly competitive fellowship,”医生说。. Naydeen González-De Jesús, president of 圣安东尼奥学院 as well as a member of the 2022-23 Rising Presidential Fellows class. “博士. Hernandez和Dr. Lovato have been instrumental in shaping our college into an institution that has been recognized as a leader in higher education.”

Rising Presidents Fellows aspire to enter a college presidency within five years of completing the fellowship. 作为同伴, they join a network of over 300 forward-thinking peers—155 of whom are sitting college presidents—who are applying grounded and innovative strategies to meet student success challenges in their colleges.

The Aspen Rising Presidents Fellowship is made possible by the generous support of The Andrew W. 梅隆基金会, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, 大学生期货基金, 和摩根大通.

点击这里 了解更多关于博士的信息. Hernandez and Lovato and the 33 other fellows.
