Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase (2022)






税率为0美元.每100美元149150美元 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of ALAMO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT.

建议税率 $0.每100美元149150美元
没有新的税收税率 $0.每100元135309元
选民认可的税率 $0.每100美元150322美元

The no-new-revenue tax rate is the tax rate for the 2022 tax year that will raise the same amount of property tax revenue for ALAMO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT from the same properties in both the 2021 tax year and the 2022 tax year.

The voter-approval rate is the highest tax rate that ALAMO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate.

The proposed tax rate is greater than the no-new-revenue tax rate. This means that ALAMO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT is proposing to increase property taxes for the 2022 tax year.

A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 建议税率 WILL BE HELD ON September 13 AT 2222 N. 阿拉莫街,圣安东尼奥,得克萨斯州78215下午6点.m.

The proposed tax rate is not greater than the voter-approval tax rate. 结果是, ALAMO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT is not required to hold an election at which voters may accept or reject the proposed tax rate. 然而, you may express your support for or opposition to the proposed tax rate by contacting the members of the of ALAMO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT at their offices or by attending the public hearing mentioned above.


Property tax amount=(tax rate) X (taxable value of your property)/100

: 小乔·阿尔德雷特.安娜·乌列加斯·布斯塔曼特博士. Lorraine Pulido, Roberto Zarate,博士. 吉恩·斯普拉格博士. Yvonne Katz, Clint Kingsbery, Leslie Sachanowicz, Gloria Ray

反对: 没有一个

出席但不投票的: 没有一个

缺席: 没有一个

访问 德州.gov / PropertyTaxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property.

The 86th 德州 Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.

The following table compares the taxes imposed on the average residence 首页stead by ALAMO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT last year to the taxes proposed to be imposed on the average residence 首页stead by ALAMO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT this year:

  2021 2022 改变
总税率(每100元价值) $0.149150 $0.149150 增加$0.00 or 0.00%
平均宅基地应税价值 $243,824 $271,411 增加$27,587或11.31%
对平均宅基地征税 $363.66 $404.81 增加$41.15 or 11.32%
对所有物业征收的总税额 $253,342,610 $287,214,809 增加33,872,199美元
or 13.37%


This notice contains a summary of actual no-new-revenue and voter-approval calculations as certified on 08/03/2022. To see the full calculations or for a copy of the Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet, please visit:

The Office of the Bexar县 Tax Assessor-Collector Albert Uresti, MPA, PCAC
233 N. 佩科斯-拉特立尼达,圣安东尼奥,得克萨斯州78207